Listen: Hebrews 2, November 7, 2004

Hebrews Chapter One was a celebration of Jesus Christ. There were no commands in the first chapter, just truth. Chapter two starts out with the first command of this book of Hebrews, “To give earnest heed to what we have heard lest we drift away.” Have you ever drifted away from church or from studying the Bible? A true Christian won't drift for long. The writer goes on to ask the rhetorical question “How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation.” The obvious answer is that there is no escape for such.

This chapter is a meditation on the greatness of our salvation. Mostly we think of being saved as wonderful because we don't deserve it. Salvation is indeed great for that reason but it is great too because of our great destiny. There is a surprise about our destiny in this chapter. Listen and find out what it is.


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