Listen to the PodCast: Hebrews 7, December 12, 2004

Hebrews 7:25 says that Jesus ever lives to intercede for us. What picture does this bring to mind for you? Is it that of a lawyer pacing the courtroom, arguing your case before the judge? That can't be right because the Bible says that Jesus is "seated" in heaven. This is a picture of completion, the work is finished. No lawyer sits while pleading his case. I don't think Jesus is interceding with words before the Father. I think Jesus himself is the intercession. It is his wounds and scars that serve as a witness of the work he has finished on the cross. When we get to heaven, there will always be that reminder of what he has paid for, our sin debt. Listen to the podcast to find out how Jesus role as our High Priest fulfills everything the Jewish priesthood foreshadowed.


M Tozer

Interesting thought that Jesus is the intercession. For the Christian, the scripture also reveals both Jesus and the Holy Spirit as our "paraclete" (Greek word translated as "comforter", "helper", or "advocate") with distinct, yet complimentary roles. Jesus is our advocating attorney in the heavenly courts while the Holy Spirit is our advising attorney relating to our spiritual, missionary, and practical lives here on planet Earth. (Holy Spirit: John 14:16, 14:26, 15:26, 16:7, and Jesus: 1 John 2:1).

M Tozer

M Tozer

For the Christian, the scripture also reveals both Jesus and the Holy Spirit as our paraclete (Greek word translated as comforter, helper, or advocate) with distinct, yet complimentary roles. Jesus is our advocating attorney in the heavenly courts while the Holy Spirit is our advising attorney relating to our spiritual, missionary, and practical lives here on planet Earth. (Holy Spirit: John 14:16, 14:26, 15:26, 16:7, and Jesus: 1 John 2:1).

M Tozer

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